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LTC Arthur W. Barr 

Army Aviation Hall of Fame 1980 Induction - Nashville, TN

In July 1950, Lieutenant Colonel Arthur W. Barr, was assigned to Division Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division in Japan. On the displacement of the division to Korea for combat, Barr conducted the move by flying all of the Division's liaison planes to Korea, assembling the equipment there and preparing the aircraft for combat.

He subsequently was in charge of the operation of all 1st Cavalry Division planes in the Division Artillery Air Section for a protracted period in combat. This duty involved many personal flights and operations under hazardous conditions, limited supply support, and a most difficult maintenance environment.

He flew numerous demanding missions, many within easy range of the enemy, and was frequently under fire. It was necessary for him to make numerous difficult landings and takeoffs on unimproved roads, river beds, and makeshift landing areas.

In early 1951, due to a sizable buildup in Army Aviation in Korea, including helicopters, Colonel Barr, based on his ability and experience, was moved to a higher level assignment to assist in the organization and maintenance of Army Aviation within Korea.

While assigned to the Transportation School after the Korean Conflict, he almost single-handedly wrote two manuals: the "Army Aircraft Field Maintenance Shop" and "Supply Operations and Fundamentals of Army Aviation and Maintenance", and then arranged to have these manuals published.

A truly outstanding combat pilot, COL Barr balanced his operational expertise with broad logistical knowledge, a desire to innovate, and constant leadership.


Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America