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Membership Rosters

An up-to-date Chapter Membership Roster is always available to our chapter officers.  

Simply LOGIN (at the top of the page) and then scroll to the bottom of your chapter page.  You will find here the Chapter Officer Links:

* Chapter Dashboard - here you can see your chapter trends and statistics
* Add Chapter Meeting - here you can add the meeting to your chapter calendar - this is important because the NEG visits are based on posted meetings.
              - FILENAMES CANNOT have any spaces in them or they will NOT upload
              - TO EDIT an existing meeting --> Click on the Add Chapter Meeting – scroll down to the list of meetings – click the EDIT button… change/save.
* View chapter roster and send emails - here you can download the roster and email your membership about upcoming meetings and events
* Update chapter page content - here you can upload images and content to be added to your web page.

If your Chapter has any address or email changes, it should be communicated to the AAAA National Office at [email protected] in a timely manner. 

Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America