Chapter Baseline Reward Program

The Chapter Baseline Reward program encourages membership growth & retention at the Chapter level through a financial reward system.

How does it work?

At the end of each quarter (3/31, 6/30, 9/30 & 12/31), new membership totals are gathered. For those Chapters showing a net gain in membership over their baseline, the AAAA rewards the Chapter $5 for every member gained and establishes the new membership total as the Chapter's new baseline. The Chapters that break even or show declines retain their current baseline.

Each year, the initial baseline for the year is set at the immediately preceding 12/31 level. Each quarter after that, the highest monthly total achieved in any of that year's quarters is taken as the new baseline.


If your chapter's 12/31 membership was 150, that would be your baseline for the new-year Q1. If the Q1 ended with 175 members you would receive a check from AAAA National for 25 x $5.00 = $125.00. Your new baseline for the second quarter would be 175.

If you lost five members in the Q2, your baseline remains at 175 and you do not receive a rebate. If you hit 180 members in the second month of the Q3, you receive 180-175 = 5 net new members x $5 =$25 and your new baseline for the Q4 becomes 180.

If you hit a home run in Q4 and reach 200 on month 11, you earn 20 x $5 = $100 at the end of the quarter. If your 12/31 membership total ends at 198, this becomes your baseline for the Q1 of the following year.

In addition, there is some flexibility built into the system on an exception basis. If a unit displacement or any other administrative action results in a major change in your membership composition, a Chapter may petition the National Office for a change in its baseline total.

The AAAA National Executive Board has also established other additional incentives:

  • The Chapter showing the greatest net gain in membership from 1/1 – 12/31 wins the "Chapter Net Growth Contest". There are 4 competitions based on a Chapter's size so every Chapter has the opportunity to win. The 4 winning Chapters receive a $1,000 scholarship in their name, as well as a plaque presented at the Membership Meeting during the AAAA Annual Forum.
  • Those Chapters with 150 or more members at 9/30 of each year are eligible to host or co-host a Chapter Reception at the AAAA Annual Forum and are eligible for Chapter Photos. If there is more than one Chapter Reception, the Host Chapter has first choice in room and night assignments, followed by the Chapter with the largest size to select room and night assignments.