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Chapter Sponsored Soldier Program

The Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA) instituted the Professional Forum Soldier Sponsorship program to help underwrite the cost of sending one Junior Soldier (LT, WO1, E1-4), from each AAAA chapter to the AAAA Annual Professional Forum.

The AAAA will provide one room, registration and tickets to all events for a Soldier and his/her spouse from your chapter. All you have to do is select them and underwrite the travel cost of getting them to the Forum site. This represents more than a $750 value per chapter!

Help show your appreciation for the outstanding achievements our maintainers, crew chiefs, ATC professionals and all our Soldiers accomplish year-round by sending them to the AAAA Annual Professional Forum and the AAAA National office will do the rest.

Chapter Requirements

  • Please email a message from your chapter to [email protected] indicating that you are paying for roundtrip travel to the AAAA Annual Professional Forum for a specific soldier, the POC info for that soldier and endorsement by your local Chapter President.


AAAA Professional Forum Soldier Sponsorship FAQs

Q: Will our chapter receive a confirmation once we send in the necessary soldier information?

A: The Chapter is notified by return email confirming the soldier name and information received. This is the only confirmation you will receive. Please be sure to copy the soldier, the Chapter President and any other Chapter Officer who needs to receive the information.

Q: Do sponsored soldiers share rooms?

A: Soldiers are housed individually and do not share rooms.

Q: Why does the soldier have to provide a credit card if AAAA is paying for it?

A: This is required by the hotel. Credit cards will only be charged additional expenses for damage, room service and other expenses charged to the hotel room.

Q: Are soldiers housed at a forum/conference hotel?

A: Yes, accommodations are being held at a Hotel utilized by the AAAA for the Forum. Soldiers will receive a confirmation from the hotel.

Q: Where do I get maps and hotel information?

A: You may get additional information regarding the Forum at

Q: What is the attire for the Professional Forum?

A: The AAAA suggests the following attire:

  • Daytime - ACU
  • Hall of Fame – Coat & Tie
  • Chapter Receptions - Casual Attire
  • Banquet - Dress Mess/Dress Blues

Q: Where do I get the registration packet and what will it contain?

A: Registration packets will be available at the Registration Desk. Each soldier packet will include tickets to the events, and ID badge.

Q: Are spouses included?

A: Yes, spouses are invited. The registration packet (above) will contain tickets and ID badge for them. Please be sure to include their complete name when sending in your information to the National Office.


Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America