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Scholarship Program

The AAAA Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation established to render financial assistance for the college-level education of members of the Army Aviation Association of America, Inc. (AAAA). The spouses, unmarried siblings, children and grandchildren of current and deceased AAAA members are also eligible. 100% of every dollar donated to the Scholarship Foundation goes to a scholarship or endowed principal based on the AAAA paying all overhead expenses for the Scholarship Foundation.

It is exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions by donors are deductible as provided in Section 170 of the Code. A donation acknowledgement is mailed to each donor. The AAAA Scholarship Foundation's Federal Tax ID number is 06-0799487.


In order to apply for an AAAA Scholarship you must meet one of the following criteria:

  •  You must be a current member of the Army Aviation Association of America, or
  •  the spouse of a current AAAA member or deceased member, or
  •  the son or daughter of a current member or deceased member, or
  •  the grandchild of a current member or deceased member, or
  •  the unmarried sibling of a current member or deceased member.

In all the above instances, the member's effective date must be on or before May 1 of the previous year in which the applicant is seeking aid, unless the member is deceased. This requirement is waived for uniformed members of the Active Army, ARNG and USAR. The applicant must be attending an accredited college or university or selected for fall entry as an undergraduate or graduate. No recipient can hold concurrent AAAA Scholarships.

Foundation Structure

There are no paid full or part-time Foundation staff members.

  • Board of Governors [list here]

The individual members of the Board of Governors of the AAAA Scholarship Foundation, Inc., serve as unpaid volunteers and include active and retired leaders in Army Aviation. Program reviews are conducted at semi-annual meetings by the Governors.

The Honorary Board of Governors includes many prominent American leaders.

Hundreds of AAAA members - worldwide -donate their time and talents by serving voluntarily as fund-raisers and program participants.

A volunteer National Scholarship Selection Committee of the AAAA Awards Committee is responsible for reviewing all program applications and for selecting the annual scholarship grant and loan winners. Details of the evaluation procedure are available on request.