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Order of St. Michael



Historic List of Order of St. Michael and Our Lady of Loreto Award Recipients 
Bronze Medal | Silver Medal | Gold Medal | Knight of the Honorable Order of St. Michael
Documentation | Submission | Approving Authority | Selection Process | Review & Oversight | Wear Guidance | Notification
Presentation Ceremony |
PDF Download: Bronze/Silver | Gold | Knight

Online Nomination and Order Forms (preferred):
Order of St. Michael Nomination Online Form
Chapter contacts
Chapter 4-Pack Order Forms:
  Bronze OSM Medals | Knight OSM Medals
Magazine Award Announcement Form

PDF Forms must be downloaded and emailed to submi
OSM Nomination Form | 4 Pack Bronze Medal Request | Knight Medal 4 Pack Request 

Need a replacement?  To replace your medal, please email [email protected] with your full name, phone number, shipping address, and a copy of your certificate (if available). A member our team will contact you for payment. Bronze medals are $25, engraved bronze medals are $35, all other medals are $63.

Have Questions? Contact Us


Saint Michael is referred to in biblical writings as an archangel who wages war against evil. He was known as the heavenly prince or champion who specifically charged forward to guard and defend others. He is legendary as the leader of angels who fought a war in heaven and conquered the dragon and cast it down from the skies. Michael’s battles are an allegory of the struggle between good and evil. Throughout the centuries, Michael has been depicted with a sword fighting or standing over the conquered dragon.

The legendary image of Saint Michael defeating the dragon exemplifies the bravery and gallantry that we associate with the Aviation soldier. His angelic qualities demonstrate the boldness and swiftness of Army Aviation on the battlefield. As a brave warrior and protector, Saint Michael is the embodiment of courage and justice and is an appropriate symbol of the values and high level of excellence exhibited throughout Army Aviation.


The OSM was established in 1990 as a joint venture between the Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA) and the U.S. Army Aviation Center (USAAVNC) and had just one category of award: Bronze. In the intervening years the Silver, Gold, and Honorable Knight categories were established.

Induction into the Order of Saint Michael is intended to recognize individuals who have contributed significantly to the promotion of Army Aviation in ways that stand out in the eyes of the recipient's seniors, subordinates, and peers. These individuals must also demonstrate the highest standards of integrity and moral character, display an outstanding degree of professional competence, and serve the United States Army Aviation or civilian aviation community with distinction.

The AAAA is the sponsoring agency and provides financial resources, administrative control, and publicity.


A nominee for induction in the Order of Saint Michael and the award of its medal(s) must have served the Army Aviation community with distinction. This service will include significant and/or long-lasting contributions.

There are no automatic criteria for induction into the OSM (e.g. retirement, PCS, deployment rotation). Additionally, a nominee must represent and have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity, moral character, ethical conduct, professional competence, and dedication to duty.

Please note that nominees can only receive one award from a category. Duplicate nominations for the same level award will not be considered.

The Honorable Knight award is considered a separate category, so a nominee cannot receive a Knight award and then be nominated for a Bronze, Silver or Gold.



  1. Army Aviation Officers: Will have achieved Aviation Branch Qualification and made significant and/or long-lasting contributions to the Army Aviation community.
  2. Army Aviation Warrant Officers: Aviators will have achieved Chief Warrant Officer status (CW2 or above) and are tracked in an Aviation specialty (i.e. Instructor Pilot, Safety, Maintenance, Tactical Operations). Technical Aviation Warrant Officers will have achieved Chief Warrant Officer status (CW2 or above). Either will have made significant and/or long-lasting contributions to the Army Aviation community.
  3. Enlisted Soldiers: Army Aviation enlisted soldiers serve in a wide variety of positions, with differing titles and occasionally a non-standard grade structure. The key criteria are distinguished service and what was accomplished to advance/improve Army Aviation during that period of service. The intent is that the nominee will have achieved branch certification and have successfully served in a leadership position(s) as a Non-Commissioned Officer, while leading Aviation soldiers. Will have made significant and/or long-lasting contribution(s) to the Army Aviation community.
  4. DA Civilian or Industry: The nominee must have made significant contribution(s) to the Army Aviation community or mission.
  5. In normal circumstances the grade structure highlighted above is representative of when one is in a position to impact the force overall and make contributions to the Branch that will have an impact down the road. It is recognized that leaders today are operating in a distributed mission command environment faced with increased ambiguity and less than optimal resourcing. In those extreme cases where a soldier has performed in a position well above current rank, consideration may be given for award of the Bronze medal.

Bronze OSM Checklist:

  1. Make sure the nominator is a current member of AAAA.
  2. Make sure the nominee has not been awarded the Bronze OSM before.
  3. Fill out the nomination form, 100 word limit summary, 1,500 word limit for supporting information.
  4. Submit nomination to your local Chapter for Chapter President Approval. If nominator is a member but not affiliated with a Chapter, please submit to National.
  5. All approved nominations must be submitted to National for our records.



silver medal
  1. Although the previous receipt of a bronze is not a requirement, all the criteria for the bronze medal must be met.
  2. Nominee must have a career of Army Aviation service represented by significant and long-lasting contributions to the Army Aviation community and the AAAA. (this criterion is not restricted only to retirement-eligible personnel)
  3. Army Aviation Active, National Guard and Army Reserve personnel: Notable service in positions at or above the Aviation Brigade level or in senior staff positions (e.g. Department of the Army, Joint Staff, Unified Command, Major Command, Acquisition Corps, NGB, OCAR), or through an extraordinary body of service collectively benefitting Army Aviation and AAAA. This criterion is applicable to:
    • Field Grade Officers
    • Senior Warrant Officers
    • CSM/SGM or E-8's serving in a documented E-9 position
  4. Retirees: Criteria are similar to Army Aviation Active, National Guard and Army Reserve personnel, but their body of service will be inclusive of work in a civilian capacity which has had a lasting effect on Army Aviation, and/or through an extraordinary record of voluntary service in support of Army Aviation soldiers and their families. 
  5. Army Aviation DA Civilians or Members of Industry: Senior DA Civilian personnel and Senior Industry Executive Leadership will be considered in the context of significant career contributions to Army Aviation, its soldiers and families, and the AAAA.


  1. Make sure the nominator is a current member of AAAA.
  2. Make sure the nominee has not been awarded the same level of OSM previously.
  3. Fill out the nomination form, 100 word limit summary, 1,500 word limit for supporting information.
  4. Submit nomination to your local Chapter for Chapter President Approval. (If nominator is a member but not affiliated with a Chapter, please submit to National).
  5. Once a Chapter President has signed the nomination form as approving authority, the nomination will be submitted to National to be voted on by the OSM Committee (we ask for a 60 day turn around).
  6. Once the nomination is approved the engraved medal, signed certificate and lapel pin will be shipped to the nominator listed on the form; unless requested otherwise.



  1. gold medal Although the previous receipt of a silver OSM is not a requirement, all the criteria required to be awarded the silver medal must be met.
  2. Nominee must have made significant contributions over a lifetime of service to the Army Aviation community and the AAAA.
  3. Continued service to Army Aviation and the AAAA through various venues such as:
    • Professional writing in branch journals or other professionally oriented publications.
    • Professional speaking in support of Army Aviation.
    • Serving as an Honorary Colonel, Warrant Officer or Command Sergeant Major of an Army Aviation Brigade/Regiment.
    • Actively serving in the AAAA as an officer, member of the Executive or Scholarship Boards, or in active support of association activities or initiatives.


  1. Make sure the nominator is a current member of AAAA.
  2. Make sure the nominee has not been awarded the same level of OSM previously.
  3. Fill out the nomination form, 100 word limit summary, 1,500 word limit for supporting information.
  4. Submit nomination to your local Chapter for Chapter President Approval. (If nominator is a member but not affiliated with a Chapter, please submit to National).
  5. Once a Chapter President has signed the nomination form as approving authority, the nomination will be submitted to National to be voted on by the OSM Committee (we ask for a 60 day turn around).
  6. Once the nomination is approved the engraved medal, signed certificate and lapel pin will be shipped to the nominator listed on the form; unless requested otherwise.
  7. Gold OSM presentations must be coordinated with AAAA to have a member of the National Executive Group in attendance.



knight medal

While the popular and prestigious Order of St. Michael is designed as primarily an Army Aviation specific award, the AAAA recognizes that many other non-Army Aviation personnel work diligently to promote the success of our branch, mission, profession, and community. The legend of St. Michael defeating the dragon exemplifies the bravery and courage of Army Aviation personnel and the boldness and swiftness of Army Aviation on the modern battlefield. This image would be incomplete without the trust, confidence and support of others who have championed their cause.

This award is designed to recognize an individual’s long-term support and/or a legacy with significant and long lasting impact to Army Aviation. While there is no specific time period for this award, it is NOT normally represented by a single assignment unless recognizing an enduring achievement in direct support of Army Aviation Soldiers and their families. The nominee need not be a member of AAAA; however, the nominator must be a member.

Eligibility to be considered an Honorable Knight:

  1. Officers, Warrant Officers and Noncommissioned officers of U.S. Army branches other than Aviation.
  2. Foreign officers and Noncommissioned officers who work directly with U.S. Army organizations in support of Army Aviation missions.
  3. Officers and Noncommissioned officers of other U.S. Armed Services (Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard) who work directly with U.S. Army organizations in support of Army Aviation missions.
  4. Civil Servants, Industry Partners, and others who demonstrate continuing support of the missions, organizations, and personnel of Army Aviation and/or its professional association (AAAA).


  1. Make sure the nominator is a current member of AAAA.
  2. Make sure the nominee has not been awarded the same level of OSM previously.
  3. Fill out the nomination form, 100 word limit summary, 1,500 word limit for supporting information.
  4. Submit nomination to your local Chapter for Chapter President Approval. If nominator is a member but not affiliated with a Chapter, please submit to National.
  5. All approved nominations must be submitted to National for our records. 



The official nomination form should be used and is attainable online.  Nominations will be provided to the local AAAA Chapter President for approval where such Chapters are organized and chartered.

A brief outline of not more than 100 words citing the main reason(s) for the nomination shall be provided. Additional supporting information may be attached and is limited to 1,500 words or three pages (whichever is greater). Nominations utilizing copy from submissions of other awards (LOM, MSM, BSM etc) shall be avoided and will not be favorably considered.

Justification must contain sufficient details about the nominee to enable the Approving Authority to make an informed decision.


Nominators of OSM awards must be an active member of AAAA. The official nomination form will be submitted to the local Chapter (where such Chapters are organized and chartered) for consideration, subject to the following:

  1. If there is no local chapter, nominations should be sent directly to the AAAA OSM Manager at [email protected]. The nomination packet shall contain a nomination form, a photograph, a request form, and the appropriate payment in U.S. funds.
  2. Bronze and Honorable Knight Nominations: The local chapter will retain the nomination locally in order to process and render a decision. At the end of each calendar quarter, (March, June, September, December) a copy of all approved Bronze and Honorable Knight award packets will be forwarded to the AAAA OSM Manager at [email protected] for review and administrative record keeping.
  3. Silver and Gold Nominations: The local AAAA Chapter will forward the completed OSM form and the completed nomination packet to the AAAA OSM Manager at [email protected]. Award nomination materials, to include photographs, will not be returned and become the property of the AAAA.


The Approving Authority for the OSM Award is as follows:

  1. Bronze Award: The President of the local AAAA Chapter (allow 30 days for processing). In instances where a local AAAA Chapter is not applicable or when the local President is nominated, the Approving Authority is the AAAA OSM Selection Committee (allow 60 days for processing action). The AAAA National Executive Group (NEG) will make the determination when the nomination cannot be processed in a timely fashion by the Committee (allow 60 days for processing).
  2. Silver Award: The OSM Selection Committee (allow 60 days for processing action). When the nomination cannot be processed in a timely fashion by the Selection Committee, the AAAA NEG will make the determination (allow 60 days for processing action).
  3. Gold Award: The OSM Selection Committee will review and provide a recommendation to the NEG. The AAAA NEG will make the final determination. (allow 60 days for processing action).
  4. Honorable Knight: The President of the local AAAA Chapter (allow 30 days for processing). In instances where a local AAAA Chapter is not applicable, the Approving Authority is the AAAA OSM Selection Committee (allow 60 days for processing action). When the nomination cannot be processed in a timely fashion by the Selection Committee, the AAAA NEG will make the determination (allow 60 days for processing action).



A subcommittee of the Awards Committee will be appointed by the AAAA President and consist of a Chairman of the AAAA OSM Selection Committee and four members of the Awards Committee. The Selection Committee will consist of at least one representative from the following categories and will serve for a term of 2 years with possibility of renewal for a second term:

  • General Officer
  • Field Grade Officer
  • Warrant Officer (CW5)
  • Command Sergeant Major / Sergeant Major
  • DA Civilian or Corporate representative with Army Aviation background

At least one of these individuals must be a retiree and/or from the Reserve Component.

  1. Silver Award: The OSM Selection Committee will receive electronic packets (scanned in .pdf format) from AAAA National Office. The OSM Selection Committee members will independently convey their recommendation to AAAA OSM Manager at [email protected].
  2. Gold Award: The OSM Selection Committee will receive electronic packets (scanned in .pdf format) from AAAA National Office. The OSM Selection Committee members will independently convey their recommendations to the OSM Manager at [email protected] . If the OSM Selection Committee recommends approval the AAAA NEG will review and determine final decision.


To ensure the integrity of the OSM process, AAAA will be responsible for reviewing Chapter awards of the Bronze and Honorable Knight categories. The OSM Selection Committee will accomplish this responsibility on behalf of the AAAA National Executive Board.

At the end of each calendar quarter, (March, June, September, and December) each Chapter will provide a copy of all approved Bronze and Honorable Knight award packets to the AAAA OSM Manager at [email protected] for review and administrative record keeping. AAAA will coordinate with the Chairman of the OSM Selection Committee and distribute the files electronically as directed. Committee members will review and ensure the criteria delineated above are appropriately applied by all Chapters within the Association.

Chapters failing to comply with established criteria will be reminded of the criteria and conditions by the President of the AAAA. Should the condition persist, the Association reserves the authority to withdraw the privilege of Bronze and Honorable Knight award determination from the Chapter and transfer it to the OSM Selection Committee for a period determined by the President of AAAA.


No deviations to this policy are authorized, such as requiring AAAA membership of a nominee.


Recipients shall receive the Medallion of the Order of St. Michael, a Certificate, and a Lapel Pin.The Lapel Pin may be worn with civilian attire at any time.

  1. For uniformed personnel the Medallion should be worn in accordance with applicable military regulations.
  2. For civilian personnel during formal wear occasions: Gentlemen should wear the medallion around the neck with the ribbon over the shirt collar and inside the coat collar. Whether worn with a bow tie or four-in-hand necktie, the medallion should hang at the full length of the ribbon. When the four-in-hand necktie is worn, the medallion should hang over the tie. Ladies should wear the OSM around the neck with the medallion hanging at the full length of the ribbon.


The AAAA National Office will notify the recipient through the nominator for Silver and Gold awards. Bronze and Honorable Knight award selectees will be notified by the local Chapter President or their designee. The nominator will be responsible for induction of the recipient into the Honorable Order of Saint Michael and presentation of the medallion and certificate.

Please note that Gold award medallions will be shipped to the member of the National Executive Group who will be presenting the award, not to the nominator or other Chapter representative.

Additional Gold medallions for shadow box presentations will not be available until after the formal presentation of the award.

A member National Executive Group or AAAA National Executive Board will be present for presentation of any Gold OSM. The National Office will be notified at least fifteen days prior to the intended ceremony. The Executive Director will contact members of the NEG in order to have a representative from AAAA National at the presentation ceremony. If no one from the NEG is available, past AAAA Presidents will be contacted.

To submit for publication please submit this form: Magazine Award Announcement Form


Awards Presentation Ceremony

PDF Download: Bronze/Silver | Gold | Knight

Bronze or Silver Award

Awarding Officer:

"The Order of Saint Michael recognizes individuals who have contributed significantly to the promotion of Army Aviation in ways that stand out in the eyes of the recipient's seniors, subordinates, and peers. These individuals demonstrate the highest standards of integrity and moral character, display an outstanding degree of professional competence, and serve the United States Army Aviation community with distinction."

"The award recipient(s) will now come forward."

Awarding Officer reads the Award History:

"Saint Michael is referred to in Biblical writings as an archangel who wages war against evil. He is known as the heavenly prince or champion charged specifically to guard and defend others. He is legendary as the leader of angels who fought a war in heaven and conquered the dragon and cast it down from the skies. Saint Michael's battles are an allegory of the struggle between good and evil. Throughout the centuries, Saint Michael has been depicted with a sword fighting or standing over a conquered dragon."

"The legendary image of Saint Michael defeating the dragon exemplifies the bravery and gallantry that we associate with the aviation Soldier. His warrior qualities demonstrate the boldness and swiftness of aviation on the battlefield. As a brave warrior and protector, Saint Michael is the embodiment of courage and justice and is an appropriate symbol of excellence within Army Aviation."

Awarding Officer reads the recipient's accomplishments.

Awarding Officer presents the recipient with the Order of Saint Michael Medallion and reads the following:

"Appearing before a most arduous and discriminatory committee of tried and proven Army Aviators and Aviation Patriots, be it known that (name) was tested and found worthy of special recognition for outstanding contributions to the community of Army Aviation and is hereby inducted into The Honorable Order of Saint Michael."

"The archangel Saint Michael is the embodiment of courage, justice, and gallantry. So too, the aforementioned individual embodies these qualities and represents excellence in aviation. Therefore, the President of the Army Aviation Association of America ,acknowledges that this patriot is due special honor and respect for now and posterity."

"Given under my hand this (date) day of . [read name on the certificate] President, Army Aviation Association of America. Congratulations."

Remarks by the award recipient.

Awarding Officer concludes the Award Ceremony

Gold Award

Awarding Officer:

"The Order of Saint Michael Gold Award recognizes individuals who have contributed significantly to the promotion of Army Aviation through a lifetime of service to the Aviation Branch These individuals have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity and moral character, display an outstanding degree of professional competence, and serve the United States Army Aviation community with distinction."

"The award recipient(s) will now come forward."

Awarding Officer reads the Award History:

"Saint Michael is referred to in Biblical writings as an archangel who wages war against evil. He is known as the heavenly prince or champion charged specifically to guard and defend others. He is legendary as the leader of angels who fought a war in heaven and conquered the dragon and cast it down from the skies. Saint Michael's battles are an allegory of the struggle between good and evil. Throughout the centuries, Saint Michael has been depicted with a sword fighting or standing over a conquered dragon."

"The legendary image of Saint Michael defeating the dragon exemplifies the bravery and gallantry that we associate with the aviation Soldier. His warrior qualities demonstrate the boldness and swiftness of aviation on the battlefield. As a brave warrior and protector, Saint Michael is the embodiment of courage and justice and is an appropriate symbol of excellence within Army Aviation."

Awarding Officer reads the recipient's accomplishments.

Awarding Officer presents the recipient with the Order of Saint Michael Medallion and reads the following:

"Appearing before a most arduous and discriminatory committee of tried and proven Army Aviators and Aviation Patriots, be it known that (name) was tested and found worthy of special recognition for significant and outstanding contributions to the community of Army Aviation and is hereby inducted into The Honorable Order of Saint Michael, Gold Award."

"The archangel Saint Michael is the embodiment of courage, justice, and gallantry. So too, the aforementioned individual embodies these qualities and represents excellence in Army Aviation. Therefore, the President of the Army Aviation Association of America Inc., with the concurrence of the Chief of Army Aviation, acknowledges that this patriot is due special honor and respect for now and posterity."

"Given under my hand this (date) day of . [read name on the certificate] President, Army Aviation Association of America. Congratulations."

Remarks by the award recipient.

Awarding Officer concludes the Award Ceremony


Awarding Officer:

"The Order of Saint Michael recognizes individuals who have contributed significantly to the promotion of Army Aviation in ways that stand out in the eyes of the recipient's seniors, subordinates, and peers. These individuals must also demonstrate the highest standards of integrity and moral character, display an outstanding degree of professional competence, and serve the United States Army Aviation community with distinction."

"The award recipient(s) will now come forward."

Awarding Officer reads the Award History:

"Saint Michael is referred to in Biblical writings as an archangel who wages war against evil. He is known as the heavenly prince or champion charged specifically to guard and defend others. He is legendary as the leader of angels who fought a war in heaven and conquered the dragon and cast it down from the skies. Saint Michael's battles are an allegory of the struggle between good and evil. Throughout the centuries, Saint Michael has been depicted with a sword fighting or standing over a conquered dragon."

"The legendary image of Saint Michael defeating the dragon exemplifies the bravery and gallantry that we associate with aviation Soldiers and those who support them. Saint Michael was assisted by other arch angels in his ultimate defeat of evil. Saint Michael and his angelic warriors demonstrate the boldness and resolve of aviation on the battlefield. Today, those who support the Army aviation community are viewed as an integral component of the success our warriors experience on today's battlefields around the globe.

Awarding Officer reads the recipient's accomplishments.

Awarding Officer presents the recipient with the Knight of the Honorable Order of Saint Michael Medallion and reads the following:

"Appearing before a most arduous and discriminatory committee of tried and proven Army Aviators and Aviation Patriots, be it known that (name) was found worthy of special recognition for outstanding contributions to the community of Army Aviation and is hereby inducted as a Knight of The Honorable Order of Saint Michael."

"The archangel Saint Michael is the embodiment of courage, justice, and gallantry. So too, the aforementioned individual embodies these qualities and represents excellence in aviation. Therefore, the President of the Army Aviation Association of America, acknowledges that this patriot is due special honor and respect for now and posterity."

"Given under my hand this (date) day of . [read name on the certificate] President, Army Aviation Association of America. Congratulations."

Remarks by the award recipient.

Awarding Officer concludes the Award Ceremony.


Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America